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Interphex 2024 Exhibition

On 16-18 April 2024 INTERPHEX 2024, the traditional and largest US exhibition of production technologies, specialized equipment and instrumentation and laboratory technology for the pharmaceutical industry, took place at the Jacob Javits Exhibition Centre in New York, which we couldn't miss due to our very good experience from previous years.

Considering the very high costs associated with the display of large finished products, we decided to add a second screen for this year and once again use only exhibition light panels with updated graphics.

Just like the last year, we managed to get a stand measuring 5 x 8 meters in the most visited part of the exhibition hall, where prestigious manufacturers and supply companies are traditionally located. Our neighbours were once again the world's most famous manufacturers as well as all our biggest competitors.

For this year, we once again used our new exhibition stand concept, based on a central cube assembled from aluminium profiles and new coating advertising posters and a cube already visible from afar, suspended above the stand. For the first time since the time of Covid, we were also able to fully support our presentation with fragrant chocolate "cookies", freshly baked in our Venticell 22. The still warm "cookies" accompanied by a cup of coffee made many of our potential customers and passers-by happy.

Our own construction of the stand in the form of a "team building" with the obligatory help of a local company was again a pleasant diversion after a long journey, and in less than two days the stand was again ready to receive new customers. Our colleagues from BMT USA evaluated the daily contacts very positively and in total gained more than 70 interesting contacts that can be used for future projects. If we add to this the newly obtained, already second, order for a Venticell IL 707-2, class ISO 7 for a customer in the USA and a new order obtained during the exhibition for another large steam sterilizer for an American pharmaceutical company, we can be more than satisfied with the exhibition . In view of the short delivery date, the production of the chamber in Brno was also started immediately.

The area of the exhibition was again approximately 20% larger than last year, and just like us, all our main competitors on the American market participated in the exhibition.

Last year, BMT USA's turnover exceeded USD 12,000,000, and the current state of received orders gives a real possibility of achieving another successful year. I am sure that we can be satisfied and proud of the results achieved in the USA, as we have already supplied more than 300 Sterivap and Unisteri devices manufactured units to the demanding US market in addition to our own models of BMT USA steam sterilizers and pure steam generators assembled in Monroe, WA in Brno!



22. 05. 2024