Operation of the health centre “Mother and Child” started on 20 March in Samara. The six-floor modern hospital is the largest hospital in the Povolzhye region. The area of the hospital exceeds 16 thous. sq.m.
The health care institution consists of the outpatient clinic and the ward block. The outpatient clinic’s departments aim at treatment of infertility, policlinics for adults and children and a consultation department for women.
The capacity of the hospital is planned to be 160 beds and there is the general children´s ward, surgery, urology, operative gynaecology and modern perinatal centre. More than 1500 deliveries, more than 150 thous. outpatients´ treatments and about 10 thousand surgeries are held in the hospital every year.
The hospital is equipped with the up-to-date equipment and technologies, giving a break to people who have already nearly lost their chances. The health centre employs doctors who assisted at deliveries of many VIP persons. Mark Kurtser, founder of the hospital group „Mother and Child“ admits for the health centre to be his fulfilled dream.
The central sterilization department is equipped with two steam sterilizers STERIVAP SL, two washers UNICLEAN SL M9 and the VENTICELL 707 drying oven, all of them manufactured by our company.
10. 5. 2018